Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Badlands of South Dakota...

This place was the real reason for my trip. I remember going there as a kid - years ago with my wonderful aunt and uncle and cousins - and seeing this place was the highlight of my trip. I wanted to stay for a long time and take in the view, but we had to leave quickly to get home at a reasonable time.

Ever since, I wanted to go back - to experience it for myself and stay as long as I liked. The wait was worth it - what a wonderful place.

Friday, June 24, 2005

A scene near the badlands that had me giddy with anticipation. At this point I didn't really know where I was. I kept looking at a map, not quite sure if I was on the right road - since some of the roads here don't seem to have signs. However, I didn't really care once I got here and watched the sun peek through the clouds, illuminating only parts of the beautiful land in front of me.  Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Remember Star Wars and the way they would make the jump to lightspeed? That's what this photo reminds me of... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

This was a spot right off a busy highway in South Dakota. Since I was in a rush to the badlands, I hopped out of the car, ran around the scene with my camera, and then jumped back in my car. Like the entire two-day trip, I barely had time to ingest what I was seeing and doing until I got home. This is one of the "winners" of the trip.  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

Day two began like this: rainy and dreary. I was SO close to going home... waiting at a stop light for a train to pass. Left was South Dakota - turning right was home. At the last second, a car behind me waiting for my decision after the train had passed, I turned left to South Dakota, risking the weather. It turned out to be a good choice... Posted by Hello

Friday, June 17, 2005

PHOTOGRAPHY - SHOTGUN STYLE... 2 days... 36 hours... 1400 miles... and two states. This was the very first shot of the trip - the VERY first time I brought out my camera - nearly five hours into the trip. More to come! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

This is just one of those pictures that turned out better than expected.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005

"I was haunted by the idea that I'd remembered her wrong." - Solaris, 2002.

Have you noticed that memory often changes in ways we don't expect? Entire scenes we hold dear are not exactly how they happened, and you find out through a simple conversation that something deep inside of you - a memory of an old friend, a grandmother, a favorite childhood experience - didn't happen like you remembered? It's a frightening experience, one that asks if we are ever truly able to trust our memories. Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I almost didn't take this one. I passed by it twice during tonight's "photo expedition" with my wife. I just didn't think there was anything there... but I thought about the little spot as I walked somewhere else. When I came back to it, I had the idea for this shot. It seems to me a place where dreamers can dream, and the real world has no influence on those who take a turn in the shade. As Uncle Marty would say "What a shot!"  Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 09, 2005

There are precious few moments when the light is right for this kind of shot. I kept driving around frantically, the morning of my two-year anniversary of my marriage, looking for a place to get the sky without power lines or buildings in the way. I had to drive to the top of a hill, a little ways out, to get the shot.  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My family loves to cook. Whenever we have a family gathering, home-cooked food must be involved... and they aren't messing around, either. There's almost never any store-purchased, manufactured goods. The gravy, breading, sauces, and even salad dressing are all prepared fresh for the meal. It's a day-long process - with my sister and mother waking up early to cook. I always loved to eat the food... and only now, with a new house and a wife, do I realize what a special gift it is to be able cook something good for someone else. There's something truly wonderful about being able to cook for my wife, and a little part of me becomes uncontrollably giddy when she asks for seconds. Some couples have special songs - special places to go - and we do too... but we also have special meals we have shared, and certain foods will always link me to those moments with her.  Posted by Hello

Friday, June 03, 2005

This is the tummy of a princess. It is very soft.  Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005

This is my dog, Alabama. We once would run through open fields with frisbees, enjoying clear blue skies together. She would run until her legs trembled, and then find some shade to take a short rest. Her heart and love for me had no limits. Today she is no longer able to run with me. She's blind and old and has diabetes - but her tail is still strong and thumps on the wall when I come and visit (she still lives at my parent's). I have no doubt that she is one of the reasons I have grown into the man I am. She taught me patience, devotion, how to love without reservation, and how to overlook some of the bad things about people and focus on the positive. That's what she did with me, and I will never be the same. She continues to touch my life as I see her getting older and facing these days with courage. There will never be - ever - another Alabama.  Posted by Hello