Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Family in KC

My wife and I went to Kansas City this last weekend to visit family - my cousin Becky and her husband, Ryan. Trying desperately to get away, on the left, is Beavis the cat, and, in the middle, Porter the dog. It was a wonderful weekend filled with fun, laughs, food, and just pure happiness. It's good to be with family, and Becky and Ryan are two of the most genuinely happy people I know. Their home is filled with warmth and love, and my wife and I had a spectacular time.

Friday, August 04, 2006

New Shots

Next weekend is "Art In Bloom" at the Omaha Botanical Gardens. These are all-new prints I've printed for the show, and I feel lucky to have gotten them. All were made in one day in New Jersey - at a location my wife and I found by accident. They are some of the best I've done in a while, and I love the mystical feel to them.