Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Last night, we were a witness to history. Barack Obama spoke to an unbelievably large crowd during his acceptance speech, and those who were able to attend that event will forever hold a piece of that history with them. For those of us who witnessed this on TV, or through the internet, we too shared in the experience, although slightly muted through the glass screens.

And so we wake up today thinking things will be different.

Yet they aren’t. The economy is still in shambles. We are all still struggling. Millions face poverty. Racism and hatred still exist.

Hope, however, lives.

Obama spoke of what his Presidency will mean to millions of people in this country. He has a direct and unique understanding of what kind of symbol he has become, and will be.

He is a symbol for possibility within us all, black or white, for truly being the change we wish to see in the world. He is the symbol that shows us that all of us really can do the impossible. He won Virginia – that in itself is just stunning.

Let’s not be foolish to say that he will change this country. By himself, he is simply a man who has inherited probably the most difficult job of our time. He cannot fix the financial crisis, or our mortgage payments, our gas prices, or any of the hundreds of other problems this country faces.

Presidents get far too much credit for the good that happens, and far too much blame for the bad. It’s not saying that Presidents don’t have an impact – just look at the Bush Presidency – it’s simply saying that all truly great things that have happened in this country should not be attributed to a President.

The truly great things have happened because regular people have stood up and demanded that change.

Obama has taken a first step, and now it’s our job and responsibility to follow those footsteps, and then to branch out in other directions that we want to take.

McCain and his legions charged that Obama was nothing more than words and ideas. I would disagree, yet I might also say that sometimes words and ideas are all we need. After all, this nation was started with an idea, and our foundation was built on the strength of words written on paper.

I can’t wait to see what happens next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to feel optimistic. After eight years, it's a wonderful feeling to be able to stand behind the person in office and say "I helped this happen".

It's unreal.