Monday, April 23, 2007


As of yesterday, this is what the world looked like to me. If you don't know why, all you have to really know right now is that I was almost suspended and my principal was almost fired, all because my newspaper students published articles that a few people didn't want published.

Last night was the first real night of sleep I've had in weeks - or so it seems. I was even an hour late to parent-teacher conferences because I was walking around in a fog, not really knowing what time or day it was.

Yet - yesterday was one of the most productive days I've had in a long time, and I'm feeling back on track. I'm invigorated by the way my students acted in the face of harsh criticism, and I'm reminded constantly that I have many good friends around me. My wife, through all of this, has been the most supportive person on Earth. If you haven't read her blog, , then you need to. Her blog not only describes the situation I found myself in, but as you read the archives, you will not find any more honest, intelligent, well-written thoughts anywhere else. In the few minutes that I thought I actually might lose my job, it was a surreal experience to realize that everything would be OK - because I had her in my life.

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