Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year

A new year, same as the old year. Just the number at the end is different. Is that a bad thing? Not for me.
Can't say the same for everyone, though. As I sit here at Panera, drinking my coffee, the room is filled with business-types, busilly typing on their laptops, impeccably dressed, absorbed in their work. Sometimes that's me too - creating lesson plans or something for school.
Mostly, though, I can't help but feel that, for most of these people, what they do, what they are most absorbed in, doesn't really matter.
I sound like a nihilist here, maybe, but it's true.
Spreadsheets, financial analysis, work orders - all meaningless garbage.
We're all so busy in our lives,how often do we take time to step back and just think for a moment about how we spend our time?
I hope that, as this world spirals more and more out of control, 2007 is a year in which more people take a moment to ask "what am I doing here?"
I know I sound cheesy... hopelessly optimistic, but it's not too late to change things. It's never too late to make a difference, one day, one moment at a time.

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