Thursday, October 13, 2005


My wife is the bravest person I know. She might laugh if I said that and not believe it.

But she is.

Although the beauty of her personality has remained over the years, she has become a completely different person since I first met her.

She could have taken an easy path - one in which she stayed on the safe course in her life, where there was no risk.

Yet over the years she has challenged herself to be a better person. She takes risks, sometimes small and sometimes large, by writing, creating art, and living life fully.

She is a person that feels things more deeply than anyone I know, and because of that, even small things hurt. I think people who don't produce art don't know how much of a risk it really is... how it can hurt when someone passes you by at an art show without giving your work a second glance.

So here she is - inspiring me every day with her magical art and outlook on life. She is capable of more love than I have ever imagined, and I feel grateful that she has chosen me to share it with. She is brave because she took the more difficult path in this life - one filled with risk and a future that we are still shaping.

Today she went out of town to visit a good friend. She has her camera, and I can't wait to see what she finds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write beautifully of your wife you are both lucky to have eachother. I know what you mean when your speak of "feeling things" I do to.