My wife isn't always sure what it's called - sometimes it's a gamecube... sometimes it's a PSP... and it doesn't matter. What matters is that she can turn it on and play a puzzle game. I love her more than anything on this earth, but the PSP is a thorn in our side. She plays it when we drive - which makes driving so much more lonely. She plays it when she says she should be doing art, and gets very upset if I suggest she turn it off. Her goal, strangely, was to wipe my name from all the high score slots. She thought that if she did that, she would be satisfied. I haven't touched the game for at least a month (or more), and sure enough, her game name, "Yoda," fills every high score there is. She's addicted now... at one point she even hid the PSP under the loveseat so I wouldn't catch her playing. I'm not sure what to do... sell it? Hide it? Or just let her play it... after all, in any given week, I still spend more time gaming than she does...
This little piece of technology is truly amazing - but I think , in the end, it has created a tiny little space between us I want back.
"but I think , in the end, it has created a tiny little space between us I want back."
reading this line at the end broke my heart. i never thought a stupid little game machine would make me cry.
I think this is very beautiful--and very true for a lot of people's relationships. Not just for videogames, but the ability for one thing to come between two people. =) Nice work Z.
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