Pets to me aren't pets. They are family. Ever since I've been young, I've been surrounded by the most amazing family in the world - pets included. I have fond memories of old animals all through my childhood... of Amy, who would lay on my chest and clench her claws into it (and I loved every second of it) - and of Vass who would howl mournfully in the basement when he was "taking turns" being with the family when our dog Sassy was upstairs (they didn't get along). Sassy, a beautiful terrier who worshipped my mother beyond belief... but would sit with me for a few seconds as I scratched her back. I hear legends of a dog named Bobby that I can barely remember... who was supposed to be among the sweetest dogs who ever lived. And Alabama - the first dog who ever loved me the most, who has ended her journey on earth... a dog who my mother, a certified dog expert, has said was the best dog who ever lived. I agree.
I think one of the greatest lessons I've ever learned from my family is that animals deserve the best we can give them. Pets don't have choices - we bring them into our lives whether they want to come or not. We owe it to them to spoil them... to love them... to let them become part of our family so they can feel love every second of their lives.
Right now at my mother's home, Mikey, a monsterous black lab who has never given up being a puppy, is probably plotting to eat his next remote control (he has destroyed over a dozen). And you know what? When he gets that remote control, he won't be abused and hurt... he will probably be greeted with a stern voice yelling "MIKEY!" only to be followed by a warm hug moments later.
Animals are gifts. It's probably the greatest lesson I've ever learned.