Even though I hate these things... here we go... 20 random things about me:
1. I love animals as much as I do people.
2. I am proud of the fact that I love animals so much.
3. I'm 30 - but I'm into comics and video games.
4. I can't believe that I'm actually a high school teacher. It's just weird.
5. My dog, Alabama, showed me what true love is.
6. My family is crazy and strange and fun and wild - and I can't imagine loving them more.
7. I broke my hand punching a wall in high school. My mother squirmed when they had to put my bones back in place.
8. Tonight is parent teacher conferences. Weird.
9. I never knew anything about photography until I was hired to teach it.
10. I did not vote for George Bush... so don't blame me.
11. I have a house, I'm married, and have a career. Cool weirdness all around.
12. My wife is capable of more love and goodness than I've ever imagined possible.
13. Our two cats are the greatest cats in the world. There are no arguments possible.
14. The older I get the less I care about football and the more I care about politics and the world. I never thought that would happen.
15. I like heavy metal music. Not the heavy metal you probably know - I'm talking the REALLY heavy stuff - with screaming and insane crushing guitars and machine gun drums.
16. I used to want to be a park ranger. Then I wanted to be an artist. Then I was in limbo... and now I'm a teacher (and an artist too, I think).
17. "I have love in my life, and it makes me stronger than anything you could ever imagine." - this is actually a quote from the movie Punch Drunk Love - and it's one of my favorite quotes from a movie.
18. I think the movie "Unbreakable" is one of the greatest of all time. Same with Aliens, Batman Begins, Big Trouble in Little China, and Fight Club.
19. My room is a mess. It's always a mess.
20. When my wife touches my hand, looks into my eyes, or puts her head on my shoulder - I know that, no matter what happens, I'll always have her by my side.